Raisins Benefits, Uses and Side Effects

Raisins fruit
Everybody knows about the flavor of raisins, yet would you say you are mindful of its medical advantages? You will be surprised to know that raisins of small size are not just limited to their sweetness, but can be consumed to treat many common and serious diseases related to the body.  It can work from adjusting processing to expanding vitality in the body.

If you have aroused curiosity about raisins, then read this article till the end. Learn with us how raisins work from inner wellbeing to skin and hair.

Table of contents

  • Benefits of raisin -
  • Benefits of Raisins for Health -
  • Benefits of Raisins for Skin -
  • Benefits of Raisins for Hair -
  • Uses of Raisins -
  • Raisin Disadvantages -

Benefits of Raisin -

Raisins are counted in select dry fruits, which is a dry form of grapes, that is, the grapes are dried to make it. It is very beneficial for health. It has all the medicinal properties that are found in grapes.  Raisins are rich in iron, calcium, fiber, potassium, magnesium, antiinflammatory and antioxidant properties (1). By taking it regularly, the digestive system and immune system as well as bones and muscles remain healthy.

Let us know below how raisins can help in maintaining the internal and external health of the body.

Benefits of Raisins for Health -

1. Relieving Anemia

You can take raisins to treat a deadly illness like paleness. Iron lack in the body causes maladies, for example, paleness and raisins work to fill this insufficiency. Raisins are plentiful in iron and nutrient B, which may demonstrate gainful for pallor (2).

2. Help digestion

You can eat some raisins daily to keep the digestion right. Raisins are also rich in fiber along with other essential nutrients (3). Fiber helps digest food and also relieves constipation.


Daily intake of raisins will help you pass stools and the fiber in it will help flush out toxins.  Daily intake of raisins can be an effective option for digestive health.

3. For bones

Aside from processing, bones likewise advantage from eating raisins. It is an important source of calcium, which is an essential element for better bone health (4). Maintaining calcium levels in the body helps to prevent problems like arthritis and gout.

4. Useful for Cancer

You will be surprised to know that raisins can also reduce the risk of fatal disease like cancer. It contains a powerful antioxidant called catechin, which works to protect the body from free radicals. These free radicals can cause tumors and colon cancer (5).

5. Acidity

Acidity is a common problem that is caused due to dietary disturbances.  You can use raisins to get rid of it.  Raisins contain nutrients such as potassium and magnesium (6). These nutrients act to reduce acidity. Apart from this, these nutrients also help prevent diseases like arthritis, gout, stones and even heart disease.

6. Energetic

After drying the grape, the nutrients in it become more concentrated. You can take half a handful of raisins for breakfast every day.  It is enriched with groups of vitamins-B (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7 and B12), which will help keep you energetic throughout the day (1). Apart from these nutrients, the carbohydrates present in it are also a good source of energy.  Especially, people who do more manual labor can place raisins in their daily lives.

7. For the Eyes

Raisins have many benefits for the eyes too. It is found in abundance in essential elements called polyphenolic phytonutrients (7), which are effective antioxidants and help to keep the eyesight strong. The antioxidants present in raisins protect the eye from weakening free radicals, which can cause cataracts.

8. Mouth and Teeth Care

Raisins are beneficial for mouth and teeth health. It contains oleanolic acid, which prevents teeth from breaking down and cavities. In addition, raisins also inhibit the growth of bacteria in the mouth to maintain better tooth condition. Since it contains a good amount of calcium, it controls the condition of tooth peeling and breakage (8).


9. Helpful in Weight Gain

If you are underweight and want to increase your weight want to increase your weight, raisins can help you.  Raisins are rich in fructose, which can help increase body weight (9).

10. Hypertension

People with high blood pressure can give raisins a place in daily life.  Raisins work to promote healthy diet, which doctors recommend to eat.  According to a report, raisins can control the condition of hypertension.

The importance of raisins can be understood in such a way that it is also included in the Dash (DASH) Diet Plan.  Dash is a group of food items such as low-sodium rich fruits-vegetables, fat-free or low-fat dairy products, cereals, fish, and nuts.  Dash diet is being adopted for many body related diseases. Dash diet may help normalize the condition of hypertension (10), (11). To control high blood pressure, you can consume a quarter of raisins.

11. Helpful in Fever

There are many benefits of eating raisins. Raisins enriched with antioxidant and antibacterial properties can reduce fever by eliminating infection. To consume raisins for fever, you should soak about 20 raisins in a cup of water for one hour and when the raisins become soft, consume it. In case of fever, you can do this remedy daily (12).

12. For Diabetes

Raisins can also be beneficial for patients with diabetes. Studies suggest that raisins may control the post-prandial insulin response. It can be beneficial for patients with sugar. In addition, raisins can also control leptin and Ghrelin. These are the hormones that tell whether you are hungry or not. Diabetic patients can thus control their diet (13).

13. Beneficial in constipation

Raisins contain fiber along with other essential nutrients as we have previously stated. Fiber helps to balance digestion. Fiber present in raisins is also beneficial in conditions like constipation . You can consume raisins daily to stay away from constipation.

14. Sexual Health

Raisins can also be helpful in maintaining sexual health. Raisins contain an amino acid called arginine, which works to increase stimulation.  It can be useful for men with problems such as impotence. Apart from this, raisins also make the body energetic.  You can consume five-ten raisins with milk daily (14).

After health, know the benefits of raisins for skin.

Benefits of Raisins for Skin -


Raisins have many benefits for internal health as well as skin. Know below the benefits of raisins for the skin.

1. Anti-aging

You can use raisins to cure wrinkles on skin at an early age.  Raisins are rich in vitamins-A and E (15), which promote the growth of new cells in the outer layers of the skin. In addition, Vitamin-E works to hydrate the skin, making the skin look younger and more beautiful. You can make your skin attractive by taking regular raisins.


2. Clean and Healthy Skin

Raisin not only acts as an anti-aging, but it also works to make the skin clean and healthy. Raisins contain an element called resveratrol, which helps maintain skin health (16), (17).  It cleans the blood and helps in the production of red cells. You can take raisins daily to make the skin clear and shiny.

3. Protection from the Sun's Strong Rays

Skin affected by harmful rays of the sun can also be treated through raisins. The phytochemicals present in it protect the skin cells from damage from the sun's strong rays. The amino acid present in raisins promotes skin renewal and forms a protective shield against sun damage. It is useful for preventing skin cancer (18).

Benefits of Raisins for Hair -


Eating raisins has many benefits for hair too, raisins contain nutrients like vitamin-B, iron, potassium and antioxidants, which are necessary for improving the condition of hair.  Following are some benefits of raisins for hair:

1. Healthy and Strong Hair 


Raisins are rich in iron (19), which is necessary to maintain hair health.  Lack of iron can cause hair loss. Iron improves blood circulation in the body and stimulates hair follicles. To maintain iron for hair, consume half a handful of raisins daily.

2. Hair loss problem

Consuming antioxidant-rich foods can reduce hair loss to a great extent.  Antioxidants prevent hair loss by stimulating hair follicles. It also promotes healthy cells necessary for hair growth.

3. Dandruff and Itching

Consuming raisins daily helps keep the blood vessels healthy, which relieves scalp problems, dandruff and itching.  In addition, raisins contain resveratrol (17), which prevents hair loss by preventing scalp irritation and cell damage. You must definitely place raisins for hair in your daily life.

Uses of Raisins -

Raisins can be included in the daily diet in many healthy ways, such as:

Sweet Crunch: You can eat raisins mixed with salad, peanut butter and fruit salad, etc.

Salad: Mixing broccoli and carrots with raisins can be eaten as a salad.

Breakfast: If you prefer to have oatmeal for breakfast, you can use raisins instead of sugar in oatmeal.

Natural sweetener: You can use it in muffins and pancakes.

Snack: You can eat raisins directly.  Dry fruits are beneficial for people of all ages.

Raisin Disadvantages -

There are physical benefits as well as disadvantages of eating raisins.  Excessive consumption can lead to the following problems, such as:

  • Body weight gain (20)
  • Allergies (21)
  • Diarrhea (22)
  • Type-2 diabetes risk etc. (23)

Now you must have learned about the benefits of eating raisins for the body.  Raisins are a delicious food item rich in many medicinal properties, which you can make a part of your daily diet.  If you are suffering from any of the problems mentioned in the article, then start consuming raisins from today.  Also, keep in mind that if your regular intake shows symptoms like allergy, then stop it immediately.  Diabetic patients must seek medical advice before consuming raisins.  How did you like this article, do let us know in the comment box.
Raisins Benefits, Uses and Side Effects Raisins Benefits, Uses and Side Effects Reviewed by By admin on November 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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